Sunday, July 16, 2006


You Are Rowlf the Dog

Mellow and serious, you enjoy time alone cultivating your talents.
You're a cool dog, and you always present a relaxed vibe.
A talented pianist, you can play almost anything - especially songs by Beethoven.
"My bark is worse than my bite, and my piano playing beats 'em both."
The Muppet Personality Test

Haha. Accurate-ish.

Thank you all for coming for council day, those who came for council day. I had a blast :)

And I like my costume:

That's me in the costume shop (Masquerade, on Bali Lane), with a bit of Tuan in a pirate costume. Oh what the heck. I'll give the guy a break:

Although he didn't come on the day itself. Now for the day itself:

Before the event...the reception girls. Wan Ni, child of Chucky (without the dagger) masquerading as a TASC 15 year old, Jing the wannabe Indian dancer, Ai Ling the Jap school girl, Hafi the gypsy and me the princess :p

The emcees. Yazid has pink FRILLS.

The Princess, The Gentleman and The Gypsy

The 27th, Hosts of Unmasked, the Masquerade. Scary Vampire lady is Zub (she kept appearing in people's photos). 60s chick is Han Nee.

Demo-ing the catwalk

The 30th's mass dance showcase. Brilliantly done.

mp10's surprise. Thanks guys, you gave the night extra magic :)

And it ended on a high. Sing along with Rahmat (No, that's still Yazid, pretending to be useful. Rahmat's on the other side of the cameraman).

And the reason is you.

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