Friday, February 11, 2005

Week 6 baby

And life does get better. You stand up, look around, pick up the pieces that are worth bending down for, and walk away. Let go, close up, and choose wisely the next time around.
I never wanna fall in love with someone I don't know like my best friend. And I found my list of 10 things I want in a guy haha.
1. Someone who isn’t afraid to fight me when I’m wrong – then we kiss and make up.
2. The guy who can make me laugh through my tears.
3. Someone who isn’t afraid to laugh at me or himself.
4. Someone who respects me, and someone I respect.
5. Someone who trusts me completely, and someone I trust completely.
6. Someone who knows when to be there, and when to just leave me alone.
7. Someone who knows me as well as I know myself – and vice versa.
8. Someone passionate about life and living – who enjoys the small things in life, and enjoys them more together with me.
9. Someone who loves me as much as I love him.
10. Someone I can spend forever with and never ever get bored.
Yup. I should take advantage of this surprisingly cheery mood, and get on with homework - before Valentine's Day blues take over. Contrary to popular opinion, singing love song dedications to 15, 16 and 17 yr olds who are madly in love with each other NEVER improves one's mood.
I sound jealous even to myself. Hrm. Singlehood rocks, though it'll be nice to have someone to share everything with. Although at the rate things are going, I'll never be around a group of people long enough to form friendships strong enough to develop into relationships. Sigh. My bad, i suppose.
Still, life rockz. As long as I keep the end in mind.

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